Indie Queue: Cave Story Lives Again


Almost a decennium ago, undeveloped Japanese developer Daisuke Amaya (aka Picture element) primary set to work along creating a platform adventure game about a young cyborg boy who wakes aweigh with amnesia in a colorful subterranean world populated away charming, rabbit-alike creatures. As he toiled away over the course of five years to complete his first gaming picture, He never expected it would grow to become one of the most renowned and revered freeware independent PC games in Japan and abroad. With work on updating Cave Story for its WiiWare debut now in the home stretch, Pixel and the small U.S. development team at Nicalis are anxious to put in scores of new players to the indie classic.

The freehand Cave Story was original free in 2004 in Japan as Doukutsu Monogatari. Players immediately picked au courant its melancholic story and endearing characters. Picture element received positive feedback from friends during development of the game, and he put as much of his energy and passion into the artwork, music, and design As possible. Helium initially hoped people would enjoy his creation, but their overwhelmingly positive reaction removed exceeded whatever of his expectations. "The number of fan-mods supported Cave Story was very impressive, and I would have never hoped-for it," he says. "Future, the game was translated to English and even ready-made it to other foreign countries, altogether of which was beyond what I would have e'er imagined." Fatefully, the West Germanic interlingual rendition version of the game also found its fashio to the computer of Tyrone Rodriguez, who went on to strain Nicalis, a reduced self-reliant crippled development studio based-in Meridional California.

Rodriguez became immersed in Cave Story and fell in love with IT. "There was something about the game that I hadn't felt in a very eternal time," he recalls; it successful him feel like a kid playing NES again. His experiences in the game's gripping earthly concern inspired him to contact Picture element. "I felt compelled to reach bent him and do something with the unfit; I really wanted to have more mass play the stake and experience it just like I did," says Rodriguez. They e-mailed back and forth for months, eventually determinant to work together to bring the game to WiiWare. Ontogeny of the downloadable console reading of Cave Fib began last summertime.

"We've been blessed with the progress, although it has taken, I think, more sentence than people expected to roll everything up. We'atomic number 75 mainly concerned with nailing the game every bit C. H. Best we can, and that's why we're not cutting any corners and trying to get it right," said Rodriguez, noting his team is extremely enthusiastic about the project. "There is emphatically an expectation that we're nerve-wracking to meet, but we completely really love working on this project. It's not frequently that you'Ra given the chance to workplace with something you feel so around."

While the core of the crippled itself is being left untouched, the bulk of the work on transitioning Cave Story to WiiWare has focused on updating the nontextual matter and sound. Despite being halfway around the universe, Pixel has had a same hands-on role in the updating process, providing input at every step of the way; atomic number 2's as much a part of the team up as anyone other working on the project, says Rodriguez. Pixel redid all of the genuine characters and provided editing for all new artwork in the game. This has been a substantial job, considering the master copy resolution is only fractional the size of the Wii version. "I'd like the simplistic art style and audio from the original PC game, but I'm happy with how all the double-sized artwork has turned knocked out," notes Pixel. "The WiiWare artwork looks many natural."


Acquiring the artwork to the letter and doubling the solving has been a very diligent and time-intense process, adds Rodriguez. Spelunk Story has a surprisingly large amount of art; it chow up virtually of the file size space on the Wii version. Updating the music in the game has also been a bit of a beast, he admits. Pixel's proprietary audio initialise has an impressive sound, he says, but it's been particularly challenging to nail down. Nevertheless, Picture element is delighted with the nonrecreational uninjured of the medicine remade by Nicalis. Perhaps to appease purists, the final version of the game will grant players to switch back and away betwixt the longtime school artwork and sound and the new, upgraded presentation.

The biggest new feature being added into the game is support for future downloadable content. Players will be getting a quality gaming experience from the burden game itself when it launches, only future updates will extend and expand on Cave Story in unique ways. Rodriguez says much of the planned DLC hasn't actually been physically created hitherto. "Right now we're egg laying down the structure to ensure the game supports future DLC updates," helium says. "That wish reserve us to do all sorts of diverting stuff like Boss Rush Mode surgery other fan-requested modes." There's a lot of expected for DLC pleased, depending along the interest from players, he adds.

So when will players finally be able to delve into Cave Story on the Wii? The team at Nicalis are pushing hard to complete finish touches on the game and have it wrapped up some Easter, according to Rodriguez. "Our internal battle has been nerve-wracking to base on balls the fine line of getting everything the way it of necessity to be, while trying to ut IT as fast as possible," he says. "We're aware that the game has a large fan base and that's why we're putting forth so much campaign to get IT right. IT's a big undertaking and a huge responsibility, only we're fans, too – we'Ra safekeeping ourselves in check in many ways."

With inferior than two months to go, the anticipation over the game's Wii debut continues to grow among fans and the development team up likewise. Sighted his indie project taking shape on a John Roy Major gaming console table, and the huge amount of support Spelunk Story has gained among the gaming community complete the years, is hugely uplifting for Pixel. "Information technology's really exciting, and I ut my best to keep open it all in. Just I'm a bit bit unquiet with completely the expectation backside the game," he admits. "I'm rattling grateful to be able to bring IT to a cabinet. And I'm really riant that Tyrone launch the game when he did and decided to put on the cause to get in come to WiiWare."

Nathan Meunier is a freelance writer, a regular contributor at The Dreamer, and a die-hard indie gaming enthusiast.


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