What's the funniest thing about motorcycles you've spotted? It be a funny modification, a paint job or one too many riders on a bike! It could even be a spectacular spill from a bike that leaves the rider biting the dust and the motorcycle heading off to the unknown all by its lonesome self. Face it, two-wheelers are machines of necessity; they're cheaper than four-wheelers and work better in areas that face traffic congestion. Not all motorcycles, however, are meant for cheap transport. Some are very expensive and aimed at people who love luxury and speed, but prefer two wheels, not four.

Search the Internet for the funniest pictures of a motorcycle, and one ends up unearthing many a gem. There are some people who've simply gone crazy with modifications and turned their two-wheelers into dream rides that others can only gawk at in wonder. There are, of course, the usual spills and falls, with riderless two-wheelers managing to gain quite the distance while the hapless, dethroned rider can only watch in horror. There are the streakers and the strangely dressed folks, atop homemade motorcycles that should never have seen the light of the day! That brings us to this list, which is the funniest motorcycle pictures the internet coughed up, along with our takes on them.

24 Happy Father's Day Pops

Via AsIMoveOn

The cute little boy standing next to his papa's prized possession is proud of his work. He may have celebrated father's day in the best possible way, though we're not sure of his work's reception. He seems to have spray-painted his papa's entire motorcycle in rainbow colors. Pink for the tires and yellow for the body frame may have seemed bright and full of life to the kid, but will it really be a Happy Father's Day for the poor Papa?

23 His Goose Isn't Cooked, Yet

Via EarthTrekkers

Who says transporting livestock needs four sturdy wheels? This guy seems to be doing fine with one little motorcycle. To be honest, this man knows how to make the maximum utilization of resources. He's transporting geese in his Honda Super Cub. According to The Telegraph, the Honda Cub is the world's best-selling motorcycle. This underbone motorcycle is a perfect means of transport for small-time vendors around the world. The physique of the motorcycle is such that a framed metal or wooden structure on the rear seat allows the owners to hang or carry a huge amount of load, as is apparent here.

22 Take A Load Of This Thump

Via Jalopnik

It looks like this motorcycle has two missiles as its exhaust. It actually looks more like a war machine than a motorcycle. Plus, imagine the kind of thump this set of exhausts will create when the rider goes high speeds. Of course, before you run out to get yourself a matching pair of these, remember that this mod is not legal in any sense of the word. However, getting these will allow you to decimate the roads and intimidate every other motorcyclist around. Tough choice, right?

21 Gimme A Hug Pardner!

Via Reddit

This motorcycle looks like a little robot that's trying to reach out for an endearing hug. The handlebars look like a set of open arms while the instrument cluster looks like an endearing little robotic face. Basically, it seems to be inviting riders to hug it and, in turn, let it hug the road. The color of this cruiser looks stunning too. According to Motor1, while Victory motorcycles really could never strike a chord with biking enthusiasts, this picture may want them to get one for themselves.

20 When Riding Is Such A Drag

Via JEPistonsBlog

Most people assume this position if they've had a little too much to eat. However, they would not do so on a bike, right? Meet the drag racing of the motorcycle world. According to Jalopnik, Motorcycle Drag Racing or Sprints is a phenomenon in the motorcycle sport and biking world today. It's like a litmus test for the diehard riding enthusiasts. All your riding skills are put to the test in this ride, where you literally lay down on the bike and let it chew and spit out the track. Make sure you do this on an empty stomach though—it isn't for the faint-hearted!

19 Meet The Tractor-Cycle

Via KnowYourMeme

Who imagined using the first half of a John Deere—a legendary tractor brand—to power the first half of a motorcycle? This quintessential marriage would be a rather formidable one as it not only can house heavyweights, but can actually intimidate every other person on the streets. Plus, you arrive in style at every party you visit in your town. This visibly proud couple has used the LUC engine of their antique tractor to give brain and brawn to their motorcycle. And note the skull in the front? How redneck is that?

18 We Think The Bike Is Cold

Via YouTube

We've heard of a zillion accessories on motorcycles, but a bike wearing clothes is just a little too out there. The owner of this motorcycle tried to decorate his or her bike in every possible way. The furry saddle bag actually covers the entire seat of the bike and the gas tank. Plus, there are even feathers above the front headlamp. There are colorful strings attached to the rear of the bike. There's a Native American feel to the whole motorcycle, and personalization can sure go just about anywhere.

17 The New Michelin Man

Via Visordown

This hilarious picture gives a whole new meaning to the Michelin man. The Michelin Man has been the beloved face of the Michelin brand since its birth in 1898 and is one of the most recognizable brand logos in the world. However, the motorcycle in the picture is a Sbarro Concept that actually looks like a deathtrap. It's like a dream-like bike from Tron that exists somewhere between reality and science fiction, giving the impression of a human wheelbarrow. Everything looks cool until you hit a pothole.

16 Riding Gear? Pshaw

Via YouTube

This image could be doctored but even then looks fascinating enough to put a smile on our faces. The old lady is riding a Harley like a pro, all the while dressed in a saree (a 6-meter cloth wrapped around the body like a sarong) and flip-flops. You would be able to spot such women from India in fish markets, literally, because they belong to the fish-catching community. You are unlikely to find any of them on a Harley though, which is what makes it such an incongruous image.

15 A Long Way Home

Via YouTube

So what do you do when you have one motorcycle, one rider, but a rather large number of pillion riders that need to be ferried to and fro? You could trade in the bike for a car, but if you can't let go of your beloved two wheels – then this mod may be tailor-made for you. Split the motorcycle in two, play around with the suspension (of course) and install as many pillion seats you want to your heart's content.

14 Then There's Always This

Via YouTube

If the above idea does not tickle your goat, then there's this too. Simply hook a strap-on carriage or cart to the back seat of your motorcycle and ferry people around in dubious style. Of course, you can kiss your suspension goodbye, and we're not sure about the comfort or the quality of the ride the carriage riders will get. Also, what about sticks and stones on the road? They do hurt more than words while driving.

13 Sir, That Looks Nuclear!

Via Sharenator

So, we are still trying to wrap our heads around this contraption. And we haven't quite figured it out. It is obviously a two-wheeler, but that is where the resemblance ends. The front end looks like a dangerous missile launcher, with a couple of grapple hooks thrown in for good measure. Honestly, we are not quite sure if this was actually a prop fromThe Dark Knight or the result of a chop shop's imagination gone wild. The purpose of the motorcycle could also be nothing more than to turn heads.

12 When The Wife Wanted Four Wheels

Via autoTrader

What if your better half really wanted that fancy sports car that she saw the neighbor's wife driving in, but you had your heart set on a sports bike? How would you make the two meet? This dude seems to have forged the perfect sports ride, by building a sports car-like side car literally melded with a sports bike. We don't know if this innovative dude's marriage survived this contraption, or if the contraption survived the marriage. This is classic thinking out of the box.

11 Chopper Bike, Mad Max Style

Via HDForums

This has to be one of the many infamous, strange and apocalyptic vehicles of Mad Max: Fury Road because if it isn't, we don't know why the rider would have a flame thrower so strategically placed over his head. So sure, there's quite the distance between head and flame, but why take the chance. Who would want a vehicle with flammable fuel to have a flame thrower in the first place? The things people do for two bits of flame, er, fame.

10 When You Really Wanted A Sub

Via CarVideos

So either this man is a fan of Captain Nemo—or at least the movie version of it—or he's a sub fan. And no, we don't mean the sandwiches. The motorcycle, or scooter—we don't know what has been modded to an extreme point—making it look like a fish out of the water—or a sub out of the water! It looks fairly ridiculous on the road, and would probably look better 20,000 leagues under the sea, even if it can't run underwater.

9 Man's Best Friend, On Two Wheels

Via WashingtonTimes

Who says the pillion rider needs to have two legs only? This biker and his shaggy dog look awesome on the bike together, especially since the pooch is wearing wind protective goggles. How sweet of the pooch owner and how cooperative of the pooch to actually don them. The dog looks perfectly comfortable as a pillion rider and the bike doesn't seem to faze him at all – and the biker seems to have full confidence as well in his bike, and his pooch.

8 A New Kind Of Protection

Via Reddit

Find anything strange with the picture? Look closer. See the black rings around the biker's midriff. Well, that's the strange thing! We're guessing the bike has no storage, and he has to get that stuff from there to here, pronto. The stuff could be just about anything – packed hose, coils of wire, floating tubes, tires and just about anything under the sun that can be packed into a circle with a human torso as its diameter. Hopefully, it isn't an anaconda.

7 Double It Up As A Sun Bed

Via Destinesia

If you thought motorcycles and two wheels were rather uncomfortable, and four wheels are far better, you may be wrong. At least, this guy could prove you wrong. He's more than happy parking his ride in the shade away from the sun. Nonchalantly, he doubles the parked bike as a "comfy" place to grab some shut-eye. The man has no balancing problem either and can seemingly sleep in one position for a long time to come.

6 Is That A Dino With A Human Pillion?

Via Reddit

So what do you make of this? A dinosaur riding the motorcycle? A human as a pillion rider? At first glance, the picture is pretty hilarious. The dinosaur seems to be riding the motorcycle, and the man behind him seems to be riding the dinosaur. Then you realize that the man is wearing a dinosaur suit and is half in and half out of it – thus the strange, strange picture. The rider must be a mascot somewhere and slipped out of the suit for ease of riding, and ease of wearing the suit when needed as well.

5 Going Ape With Ape Hangers

Via Pinterest

What was the best thing about the Hollywood blockbuster Wild Orchid? For some, it was the chemistry between Carré Otis and Mickey Rourke. For others, it was the iconic motorcycle scenes in the flick. Mickey rode the custom Harley-Davidson chopper with massive ape hangers and the way he carried these scenes through was rather something. However, this boy in the picture, perhaps inspired by the same, has taken it to a ridiculous level altogether. The ape hangers on the scooter look funny and painful as well. Too much of a good thing can be bad.