Good Easy Diets for Men to Slim Down

If you are searching for the best diet to lose weight and want to know how to lose weight fast, go no further. Read on to learn how to slim down in 14 days so you can reach that dream body you've always wanted. Use every one of these healthy weight loss tips to keep you on track.

Quick Weight Loss Diet - How to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks

How to slim down quickly and do it without hunger is no longer an impossible dream, but a rock-solid reality experienced by many on the Almased smoothie diet.

Fasting with Almased results in rapid yet healthy weight loss that wipes out fat rather than muscle. Strong scientific evidence highlights that Almased helps the body select fat as fuel shortly after consumption of a shake and a diet comprised of Almased helps fire up the resting metabolism. While the body burns fat, Almased contains quality nutrients that help protect essential muscle. Preserving essential muscle is important during any diet, and especially during a fast, as it ensures that the metabolism stays active, so the body can continue shedding unwanted pounds.

But don't let that word fasting scare you! You won't feel deprived or sluggish. You'll be consuming so many flavor possibilities that you won't get bored, and your energy levels will remain high!

If you'd like to know how to lose weight in two weeks, read what happened to Harriet C.:
"I decided I would do Almased's Figure Plan and was 100% committed to following through. One of the things that I experienced with Almased is that I didn't get cravings or the urge to eat something all the time, like during many other diets out there."

"I never felt like I was missing food…"

"During 14 days on the Fasting Phase, I lost a total of 12 pounds! For me, weight loss has been a real accomplishment. But I didn't stop there. I continued to the next phase of two shakes and [eating] one meal daily. I give the credit to Almased for helping me on this journey. I finally feel comfortable in my clothes."

Do you feel comfortable in your clothes? It's a fantastic rush, and you can experience that joy when you lose weight, too. It's exceptionally easy because although you are fasting, you are not without food, flavor or nutrition and the satisfaction of fullness keeps you going. That's the Almased difference!

Best Diet Slim

Be Slim for Life

Yes, losing that weight and gaining your slim body is an utterly life-changing experience. But once you accomplish that feat, how do you keep it? If you go back to unhealthy habits, the old way of doing things will re-create the not-so-dreamlike body. So, keep the Almased Shake, a naturally low-glycemic slim shake, as part of your good health maintenance plan so you can love your body, enjoy the rewards of wellness, and stay naturally slim for the rest of your life.

7 Healthy Weight Loss Tips:

1. Lowering your daily calorie intake is a simple numbers game.

You need to burn more calories than you eat every day to lose weight. Since there are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat, to lose a pound of pure body fat each week, you need to shave off 500 calories from your daily caloric intake. That's a total cut of 3,500 calories per week. Most people need 2,000 calories daily to keep from gaining or losing weight. That means to lose one pound of weight in one week, you need to consume no more than 1,500 calories per day.

2. The Standard American Diet (SAD) Includes Over 300g of Carbohydrates Per Day.

To cut body fat fast, consume no more than 100-150g of carbs daily and be sure to say no to junk food, fried foods, processed foods, sugar, and those no-calorie sugar substitutes, too. Reducing your carb intake allows your body to tap into your fat storage for energy. That being said:

Just one of the reasons the Almased diet is so easy is that they have counted the carbs and calories, so you don't have to.

3. When it Comes to Beverages, it's Best to Drink at Least 64 Ounces of Water Daily.

A 2010 study conducted by the American Chemical Society confirms that people who consumed two cups of water before eating a meal ate between 75 to 90 fewer calories during that meal. People who drink more water throughout the day are more hydrated and have more energy.

The Almased diet recommends to drink 8-10 cups of liquids daily, including at least 4 cups of home-made vegetable broth or 100% low-sodium vegetable juice - all excellent additions while fasting, and that's all part of the Almased Diet, too.

4. Put More Protein into Your Diet.

Protein is appetite-reducing and helps to control bad food cravings and overeating. Think lean meats like turkey or chicken breasts, fish, steak, low-fat milk and cottage cheese, eggs, and beans. The Almased shake contains 27g of high-quality protein per serving to further protect your muscle mass.

5. Exercise is always necessary for fitness and general wellness and a must for boosting your metabolism.

Not only does working out burn calories, thereby allowing you to eat a little more, it also builds lean muscle mass. Cardio is great, even just walking or cycling a few days a week. On the other days, a couple of strength-training sessions will help prevent muscle loss. Ask your doctor if you are healthy enough to incorporate exercise into your weight-loss plan. Aim to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise each workout.

6. Get plenty of sleep if you want to lose weight.

Insufficient sleep affects appetite and satiety hormones as well as fat cells. According to Eve Van Cauter, director of the Sleep, Metabolism and Health Center at the University of Chicago, "There is no doubt that insufficient sleep promotes hunger and appetite, which can cause excessive food intake resulting in weight gain."

Mushrooms - have been used for centuries in Chinese medicine and may assist in helping to keep you slim. Your gut microbes live in your digestive tract and manage your hormones, battle bad bugs, and help you draw nutrients from your food.

A new study, published in Nature Communications, suggests that the Ganoderma lucidum, also known as reishi [mushroom] in Japan, or lingzhi in China, slowed weight gain in animal studies by altering the bacteria in the gut. Researchers suggested the mushroom could eventually be used in the treatment of obesity.

Black Sapote – is known as the "chocolate pudding fruit." It is deceptively rich and creamy. A 100-gram serving has 130 calories and 191 mg of vitamin C, which is twice that of an orange. A study published in Food Research International found black sapote to be a good source of carotenoids and catechins, which spur the release of fat from fat cells and helps the liver convert fat into energy.

Teff – is an ancient grain, some now call it "the new quinoa." According to Lisa Moskovitz, RD, "It's a more complete amino acid-packed protein than quinoa itself. So that is helpful for anyone who wants to keep calories low and protein high." Teff is also a good source of fiber and iron. All that adds up to one key element of your slim-down efforts: appetite control.

You can cook teff as a simple side dish with some Parmesan, onions, fresh garlic and tomatoes, or use it as a base for breakfast porridge, adding a bit of honey and fruit, especially low-glycemic berries.

Cupuacu – pronounced "koo-pwah-soo," this fruit has earned some interesting titles, such as the "next great superfruit," a "pharmacy in a fruit" and "Brazil's new chocolate." As a weight-loss weapon, cupuacu is rich in vitamin C, B vitamins, and amino acids. It looks like a coconut and tastes like chocolate, pineapple, and pear!

According to a study published in The Journal of Natural Products, cupuaƧu contains several compounds that can boost your health and aid your weight loss efforts. There are nine antioxidants, including catechins, which trigger the release of fat from fat cells; quercetin, which activates a protein in the body that can burn fat and prevent it from forming; and polyphenols, which can improve digestion issues, weight management difficulties, diabetes, neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases.

Dulse – a seaweed superfood in a convenient form, is high in many vitamins and minerals, and known specifically for its high iodine content, which helps keep your thyroid functioning properly. "Without sufficient levels of iodine, your thyroid function becomes impaired, and it's harder for your body to burn fat," says nutritionist Dana James of Food Coach NYC, who suggests sneaking sea vegetables into your diet at least three times a week.

You can find dulse at the grocery stores, usually sold in small shakers, like spices. Use it in place of salt. Shake onto salads, eggs, vegetable dishes, pasta, and soups.

Chia seeds – a not-so-secret superfood for weight loss. Chia seeds contain fiber, protein, antioxidants and omega-3's that are all beneficial to your diet as they produce the top-notch energy you need. According to Carolyn Brown, MS, RD at Foodtrainers, "Chia seeds give you stable energy because of their great ratio of protein, fats, and fiber combined with the fact that they're low-carb. These super-seeds won't cause blood sugar levels to spike up too high or drop too low, which prevents cravings and overeating later."

Chia Seeds Sprinkled in Your Almased Smoothie, Make it Even More Nutritious!

Best Diet Chia seeds

According to Jamie Luu, RD, LD/N, Registered Dietitian at Almased, Chia seeds in pudding form, is also an easy pack-and-go for school or work, a filling snack or a luscious dessert.

For a single serving put a ¼ cup of chia seeds in a jar with a lid. Add 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk (or low-fat milk), 1 teaspoon of maple syrup, and your favorite extract or spices, like vanilla and cinnamon. Mix in some berries or other fruits to make it extra special. Chocolate almond milk with raspberries is an all-around favorite. Shake or stir it up and let it set in the fridge a couple of hours or overnight and you are good to go!

Honey – is one of the three highly regarded ingredients that make up Almased. Honey, in its raw form, is added in the final product. Honey gives Almased the slightly sweet taste without the need for added sugars or artificial sweeteners.

Raw honey is created by bees from flower nectar; it is all natural and does not undergo any processing to remove the nutrients or enzymes. Pure raw honey has been known to alleviate allergies, improve memory and act as a natural cough suppressant as well as fight diseases.

How Can the Honey in Almased Assist With Weight Loss?

Chief Knowledge Officer, Dr. Charles Shively, Ph.D., RPh, from AskDrS.org10 says: "consumption of honey has been shown to help with weight loss where it assists with the digestion and breakdown of foods that are eaten in more weight-friendly substances which can contribute to the reduction of extra fat stored in the body. There are at least eight digestive enzymes in honey, the most prominent are amylase, saccharase, and sucrase."

In a study from the University of Wyoming, raw honey was found to activate hormones that control and suppress the appetite – reducing sugar craving and offering potential weight-lowering effects. In another study from San Diego State University, the scientists found that replacing sugar with honey could help lower blood sugar levels and prevent adding on extra pounds.11

Best Diet Honey

The Pure Goodness of Nature

The all-natural Almased formula contains NO artificial fillers, flavors, added sugars, preservatives or stimulants. The proprietary formula of non-GMO soy, yogurt, and enzyme-rich honey, combined in a unique fermentation process, provides the body with essential nutrients and high-quality protein. Almased shakes nourish your body while helping you achieve quick and sustainable weight loss.

During the Fasting Phase of the Almased 4-Phase Diet Plan, also known as the Starting Phase, you will have three shakes every day in addition to coffee and tea, and home-made vegetable broth or 100% vegetable juice. You can expect to rapidly lose pounds of stubborn fat, sleep more soundly, feel more energized, and dramatically reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

And you don't have to go hungry!

Olenka F.12 fasted for 7 days on the Almased diet plan, and this was her experience: "After 2 weeks, I had lost almost 10 pounds. I feel great! I sleep amazingly; I have a lot of energy, and I am not hungry at all. I love this product, and I can see the results."

Choose Almased and quickly reveal a new and slimmer you…Simply because it works!



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